## Preferences The preferable way to contact me in the average case is e-mail. It’s relatively reliable, fast, suits almost all needs, and even works asynchronously with all advantages that brings. ## E-Mail Replacing the first '.' in [henk.hnjs.ch](https://henk.hnjs.ch) with an '@' should work. ### Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Please consider using [PGP](https://www.openpgp.org/) to send me encrypted emails. [My Public Key](/files/DBE1CA16DCC456E1C2DD9C321B7EADFDDF720123.asc)’s fingerprint is: DBE1 CA16 DCC4 56E1 C2DD 9C32 1B7E ADFD DF72 0123 Please try to understand how PGP needs to be used to actually help securing your communication! E.g. you _will_ have to verify that you have got the correct key in some way. Do _not_ blindly trust the key because 'it looks right'! ## IRC I am present on a few networks usually with the nick 'henk', in particular on my [own server](https://www.netwichtig.de). ## Telephone Please contact me via one of the other channels to obtain my telephone number. But please keep in mind the above: e-mail is a very efficient way of communication! Thank you very much.