Half-Grey-Listing (Update 03)
Concepts of nolisting and greylisting should be known.
Imagine this setup:
example.org IN MX 05
example.org IN MX 50
example.org IN MX 99
All addresses are on the same host running exim.
Exim would go through the whole process (almost – since most stuff is rejected anyway, one may want to optimize here) as normal, but will tempreject
(almost – abuse@ and postmaster@ should probably be unfiltered, just to make sure) everything on and
Is anything wrong about this (WRT to RFCs)? What might go wrong?
It seems there are a few appliances that can’t properly deal with this setup:
- mgb.ch
- linkedin.com (sending via rightnowtech.com?)
- zuerich.ch (seems to be using a Sophos-Appliance)
- waedenswil.ch (AFAIU they are using a Barracuda-Appliance)
- ticketcorner.ch
I contacted all of them and the feedback I got so far:
- linkedin.com: my request was not about my own account and they told me they can’t do a lot of things I don’t need them to do. They did not seem to even understand the issue, probably due to my request never getting through first level support. There may be more to come yet.
- zuerich.ch: not sure whether they understand the problem but they surely don’t seem to see it as one. So far the reply was “nothing can be done about it”.
- waedenswil.ch: Well, the appliance does it that way, so it’s likely correct, was basically their reply. They did promise to look further into it, so I’ll wait and see.
I disabled the setup for now, though, too many broken sites out there …
Setup running on the mostly unused domain hj-systems.de.
You can send me a testmail to test@hj-systems.de to see whether your email-infrastructure is able to deliver it.
If you have trouble getting the mails out, send to postmaster@hj-systems.de, which should always be deliverable.
Gmail fails as well. I successively moved the ‘defer’ statement to sooner stages of the smtp dialog:
- connect
In exim terms:
- acl_smtp_data
- acl_smtp_rcpt
- acl_smtp_mail
- acl_smtp_connect
Now, with the defer in acl_smtp_connect, it seems to work fine.