Designing the Controls for my Window Manager


Preface / Disclaimer

Judging by the file’s timestamp I first took these notes on 2010-05-09. I have been using FVWM as my window manager back then and tried to figure out which actions should have which effect – or the other way round maybe: which effects do I need and which action should cause them, I can’t remember.

In any case, this is what I seem to have come up with and just because I still find it amazing how many different actions are configurable in FVWM where almost all other WMs I am aware of do not allow this fine-grained level of control, I thought I’d polish this list just a tiny bit and publish it. Maybe it helps someone, maybe I want to refer someone to it some day.

Also: this is not complete! These were just my initial thoughts when (re)designing the controls but they have not been updated with additional things I figured out during actual use of the WM. I’m also not using FVWM or any stacking WM but the tiling WM AwesomeWM so all this information has become obsolete for me.

Mouse Controls

action location effect
click background menu mainmenu
click title raise
click corner/border raise
click window content raise
click+move in window content not raise
hold/move title move
hold/move corner/border resize
scroll title shade
scroll corner/border resize in steps (Shift/Meta/Control increase steps)
doubleclick title maximize
doubleclick corner/border maximize in direction
middleclick title grow (resize to fit free space)
middleclick corner/border grow in direction
rightclick title menu windowsops
rightclick corner/border menu windowsops
leftclick windowbutton1 close
rightclick windowbutton1 menu windowops
scroll windowbutton1 change layer


Keyboard Controls

Modifier Key Effect
S ESC menu windowsops
M Space menu windowsops
MC M menu mainmenu
MC h or ← go one page/workspace left
MC j or ↓ go one page/workspace down
MC k or ↑ go one page/workspace up
MC l or → go one page/workspace right


Keyboard & Mouse

Modifier Action Effect
MC leftclick move
MC rightclick menu windowops
MC middleclick menu mainmenu

References for windowops menues and shortcuts


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